A block of text attached to the end of an email message containing the sender's name, address, phone number, fax numbers or other contact information.
Most of you know that you can create a signature to your email messages in Outlook Express. A signature can contain your address, interests, programs, quotations etc.But it should be brief and simple.
Creating a simple text signature is so easy. Open Outlook Express then click on Tools then Options and then Signatures. Click New button, under Edit Signature compose your signature then click OK. It’s done.
Very long or more than five lines of signature can spoil the goal of signature. If length of signature is excess than that of message it would probably irritates the email receiver. So trim the signature to four or five lines and use the Standard Delimiter "-- ” (two dashes followed by a white space character) on a line by itself.
Tech Swamy
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Source: About.com Answers.com